
Oh How I Love Museums....in Lubbock

Well since I am jobless right now, did I mention that I love being jobless... I decided to go and visit my youngest sister Taylor in Lubbock. So I packed up the car and headed out. On my way I noticed the new and improved windmill... I was amazing by it. I was so amazed that I would catch myself being suprised when I would hit the "wake-up" bumps on the side of the road. So during my time in Lubbock my sister informed me that Lubbock was home of the windmill and they had a whole museum about them. WINDMILL MUSEUM here I come, I didnt think twice about it. My sisters friend Amy also shared the same Windmill obsession so she joined us on this journey of a life time. People: Please buckle your seat belt before you approach these pics, they are wild and crazy!
Oh yea we also went to the Buddy Holly Museum and the Tractor Museum.... Lubbock is so cultural!


jordanpudlo said...

The picture of you on the tractor is HILARIOUS! I want to go see the windmills!!:( JEALOUS

Murrell Family said...

I didn't know Lubbock was so cultural! I'm glad you posted again...I've been waiting for a Wetherell update :)

btotman said...

I found this great site that allows you to support your favorite museum while doing your online shopping. It is called ShopforMuseums.com. You just go on the site, select the museum you want to support, and then do your shopping online. It has so many stores that it has everything I was looking for. Check it out.

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