1. My middle sister Whitney moved to Dallas and lives in a great apartment in Uptown.
2. I, along with Michelle Stanphill, Melissa Murrell and Julie David threw a shower for Lauren Self...who baby is due anyday now so keep her in your prayers
3. Andy and I have been working are heads off
4. Hunting season starts on Sat. so that is all my husband has been doing....preparing for the big hunt.
5. I went to Houston to see my friends- Jordan and Lauren and to help my friend Jordan bake a cake. Andy went and hung out with his family
6. Went to Austin to see the fam and go to a friend from High Schools wedding
7. We found out on Saturday that we are going to Sudan in July 2008 (read more about it in the post below)
8. I got three tickets in three days..... keep in mind it was my first time to ever get a ticket, or atleast the first ticket was.
9. I cut my hair and Thank God it is now starting to grow out (even though I still can't put it in a ponytale)
10. I have been searching for a large mirror to go over my couch...if anyone has any ideas, please let me know!
Well that is a little recap on the last month of the Wetherell's....I swear I will post more often.