
Missing Andy more than words can express...

I am missing my sweet husband more than I could have ever imagined. This is the first time that he or I have been away from each other with no communication what so ever. My sweet friend Melissa has posted a little about the trip on her blog, so I don't what to repeat what she has wrote but visit her blog, www.joshuamurrell.blogspot.com
But please say a prayer for Andy and his team, and while you are praying for them go ahead and give a little shout out for me, I have been really emotional since Andy has been gone...
Here is the picture of the team before they left!


Janelle and Ella said...

You are such a sweet wife! I am calling you later.

FordeFam said...

Sorry!!! Praying for you both!!! :) Love your new layout!!! :) Love the little birdies!!! ;)

Murrell Family said...

Love you friend and praying for you and the boys today.

Kelly said...

I will pray for Andy and you while he is gone, you are so sweet Corey!

The Self Cottage said...

are u lovin on him since he is back? hehe

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