
Whitt's Obsessions

My little man is obsessed with sports. We are either talking about "shoot" (aka Basketball), "almost" (aka baseball) or just golf... this little man wants to be outside at all times playing one of his many sports. He has been practicing his sports daily and is very serious about them. He recently got his first real golf club, he has broken all plastic ones... they just aren't study enough for this little muscle man. It is metal and it is scary to e around a 2 year old with a metal stick. Whitt is also left handed like me, which make things kind of fun in sports, so I've been told. I am glad he inherited my left handed-ness but hopefully he will be better at sports than me, I seriously think I define the word awful when it comes to sports. I did play on the volleyball B-team when i was in 7Th grade but that was about the extent of sports. Oh, wait.... I played kickball also when I was a small tot and tennis and swim team but I can honestly and humbly say I was terrible at all of them.
Well here are a few pics of my little sports fanatic.


Anonymous said...

TOO cute! :)

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