
First Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day
 to the most Handsome Man I know.... 
Whitt is so lucky to have you as a DAD, 
can you believe you are a Dad? 


Eubanks Twins said...

So precious. Made me cry. Praying for you guys, know what it is like to have your sweet ones in the NICU.

Rach said...

So sweet! You made me cry at work! I just love it! Andy is going to be/already is an amazing Daddy!!!!

Caroline said...

this was wonderful! still praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Yep..that did it, crying at work..tears running down my cheeks. That has to be the sweetest thing ever and what a blessing Whittaker is to everyone already. Love the 3 of you so much!!!

Unknown said...


I know you are a great DAD!

Jeff Richardson

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Happy 1st Father's Day! Beautiful pictures! Everyone looks great! Corey, you don't look like you JUST had a baby! What a cute mama!

Janelle and Ella said...

This is the sweetest slideshow ever! Happy Father's Day Andy!!!

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